I'm starting the year with just one resolution, to be positive. Especially when I'm feeling emotional or defeated to go and do something positive, some sewing or lino chiselling, something that keeps me going forward instead of getting bogged down!
Over on flickr I'm playing catch up, I didn't post any of my work in the second half of the year so I'm trying to get all those into my photostream over the next couple of weeks. My internet connection is so slow in the evenings that I'd practically given up, but I've discovered I can get a lot done in half an hour in the mornings...so here I am!!
The sketchbook challenge is on for a second year, so I'm going to have another go at it... this month's theme is doodling.
I have set myself a little writing challenge, to write a haiku a day, I've bought myself a cheapo diary that just has room for a poem and a note about what I'm reading... here are a couple from the first week.
Lightning in the night
circling the house again
rain wave on the roof.
Last weeks pumpkin soup
seeds pushed in the ground sprouted
stems with twin green leaves.
I wonder how your resolutions and challenges are going. Cathy Cullis has a lovely post about daily challenges with a philosophy that is very forgiving!!
Hopefully I'll be back next week with some artwork to show! Have a great weekend.
Mahonia bud
1 day ago
Being positive is a great resolution :)