I only managed to produce this canvas in time for the show.
It was supposed to be a year of tackling big canvases (bigger than 5x7"!!) - a resolution I made early on in the year, which only seems to have stalled my painting completely...
In other news I have joined a book group at my local library. The first book we had to read was The Road by Cormack McCarthy which has about 6 pages of rave reviews at the start. The writing is beautiful, but the story is incredibly bleak, I had to keep putting it aside because I was too worried about the characters! I probably wouldn't have stuck at it to the end if it wasn't for the book group. If you've read it and loved it I'd love to hear why!
your work is lovely as always kate ...and I sympathise about the creative block .....as soon as i set myself a challenge in my work a MASSIVE wall come down around me and I cannot get through it for ages .......x