Monday, October 5, 2009


Last week it was school holidays, so on Friday I was running around with the kids, and no peace and quiet to paint.

Over the weekend I stumbled on the blog the rachel papers, and her wonderful posts about housework. Do read, she's said it a lot better than I can. Personally I swing between doing as little as possible, resenting doing any of it, and very occasionally being inspired by it...a family of 5 creates at least a load of washing a day. In the past I've done a few paintings of washing hanging on the line (long gone and unfortunately no photos of them)...I have the feeling I might have to revisit this subject soon!


  1. I like your ATC's. I've been taking part in an ATC swap. They're quite new to me as well. I'd love to do some arty ones with paper but whatever I try, they just don't seem to turn out right. Up to now I've been doing some with fabric and stitches as that's what I feel most comfortable with. But I'm a bit out of ideas at the mo. I think my mojo has gone!

  2. Hi Lynne, I love fabric ATC's (do you have photos online anywhere I could have a look?) I've seen some on flickr and they seem to have so much work in them. I hope you're feeling inspired soon!

  3. Hi Kate, thanks for visiting. I think I do have some on my blog somewhere, but some way back, I don't have any others anywhere as our other computer is kaput at the moment and it has all the photos on!

  4. as i prepare to clean the kitchen..i feel ya :)
