A late Merry Christmas, I hope you've had a relaxing few days. It was remarkably peaceful at my house; usually someone is complaining about what they didn't get, or needs help putting together something with hundreds of little plastic pieces!!! This year everyone was happy!!
I hope you got a present to inspire you - I remember one christmas I was about 16 and got my first set of acrylics - after a lifetime of kids tempera blocks and powder paint they were a revelation! This year I treated myself to some books, including the sketchbook challenge, and got a moleskin journal. The moleskin is still in its shiny wrapper - I hope it isn't too nice to use!! (Do you have this problem too?) But I have been doing some drawing, here are a couple...
Also this in progress work for the Cloth Paper Scissors 'Quotable Art
Journal Challenge', you can find out more about it here. There's still
time to send something in if you feel inspired.
Best wishes and happy holidays!!
Anemone montana
11 hours ago