Starting a new job puts a new slant on things. I'd say I'm getting used to a new routine, but it's a casual job and my shifts are different every week. I can start as early as 6.30 am, or finish as late as 9pm. It's a big change for me, and to be honest art making has been on the back burner for the last month or so - not only because of the new job, but also because of renovations still going on around the house that make it hard to sit quietly and create - I'm not complaining, the renovations desperately need doing!!!
It's a beautiful dry season, and I think I've had the best success with growing tomatoes this year.
Here are the seedlings I planted back in June. I planted 4 but in the end only one plant survived. Maybe because of the lack of competition, or maybe because I'm watering in the evening instead of the morning, it's done well, producing plenty of good sized tomatoes and still flowering and setting new fruit in spite of half the foliage browning off.
I only have a little veggie patch because of having to water all through the dry season, and it's limited by the time and energy I have to put into it (and some kind of ratio between how many plants have failed and how hopeful I am!!). Here's a shot of the thai basil in flower - I should snip those off but I love to see the flowers - a pineapple just starting, also parsley, basil seedlings and lemon grass.
So I don't know when I'll be back with new art to show you, I'm happy to accept the lull in creativity and spend some time in the garden or walking at the beach before the build up begins.
Best wishes to you 😃😃😃
Anemone montana
19 hours ago