Friday, December 27, 2013


I hope you're enjoying your xmas break. This is the little charcoal sketch I based my xmas card on this year. Here are the linoprints in progress, the prints were a bit rough so there was a bit of hand colouring needed too! The monsoon is here, lots of rain, nice and cool for cooking a proper christmas dinner!!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Happy holidays!!

It has been a busy couple of weeks but I've made it! School is finished, work parties are done, the Messiah has been sung (sublime!), not to mention carol singing at a carol service and the local shopping centre. I also squeezed in a market stall at Nightcliff markets last Sunday to make up for missing all the craft fairs, it was a last minute decision and I had a lovely laid back morning, thanks to all the people who stopped to chat and buy xmas presents! I finished work on Thursday coughing and sneezing!! So have had a couple of days resting and now feel ready for my holidays...I'm looking forward to doing some baking, lots of walks by the sea, pottering about in the garden (very overgrown after lots of rain), and getting back to my sketchbooks which have been neglected are my first journal pages since July!

A few weeks ago we had our first pineapple of the season from the garden, I replanted the top of the fruit and the slips (babies) which sometimes grow round the bottom of the fruit. In pots for now, once they get some roots and a bit more growth I'll plant them in the garden, they'll take a couple of years to fruit.

I hope your xmas preparations are going well, ha ha, it's always a bit of a scramble around here!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

diary dates!

The tactile arts craft fair that was cancelled because of bad weather has been rescheduled. It will be held this Friday 6th Dec from 4.30 to 8.30, I hope that lots of people will go along. Unfortunately I won't be there as it's the same time as the dress rehearsal for Chorale. We're singing the Messiah on Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon at the supreme court with the glorious DSO!!

Also on Friday evening is an exhibition by Nat (Smallest Forest) and Kris at DVAA, showing the results of their experiments with marbling, I will try to duck in on the way to rehearsal...

Yes, art making continues, here are some new cards, and hopefully a proper post next time!