I seem to have lots of bits and pieces in progress and not much to show at the moment! Today I've started on a sewn piece for an exhibition that's coming up in May - a piece of work based on a poem, the exhibition will co-incide with
wordstorm the writers festival. Here's a shot of work in progress!

Last Friday I started on a painting for the
Don Whyte Off cuts show - an exhibition that happens every year, I've talked about it before and love to take part, but I'm struggling with painting at the moment, the canvas has been painted over twice already (and neglected this morning). This is the sketch I'm working from, and the haiku/moment that inspired it.

Four magpie geese fly
overhead a rainbow gleams
no-one to tell 'look'.
One of my haiku has been shared over on the
blog 'fluxustulip' by artist Carissa Krueger, many thanks to her for her interest in my work. I came across
Carissa in an interview on the Sketchbook Challenge blog. Sometimes I think I'm more interested in the creative process than the finished product, and the sketchbook is like the secret cauldron of the creative process - interviews like this one with Carissa give a little peek into another artists processes, so interesting and inspiring!
Opening next Wednesday is a survey show of Craft from across the northern territory at the
Chan gallery, I'm pretty chuffed to have 2 of my mermaid dolls included, and can't wait to see the exhibition, and hopefully get to some of the workshops - especially yarn bombing!